Friday, December 11, 2015

Boot failure and reinstall Raspberry Pi 2 樹莓派開不了機

I haven't played with my Raspberry Pi 2 Model B for several months due to busy work with iOS Swift. Today I tried to test my Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately, it couldn't boot!

I tried to reconnect the power several times, but the booting process was always stuck with a lot of strange warnings. The warnings shown varied between different boots.

So I held the 'Shift' key to enter the recovery mode, reinstalled the Raspbian operating system and configure the keyboard to the US layout. Finally, it worked!! My SD card is still working without the need for a new one. But I have to spend a little effort to reinstall and configure the data and environment.


This reinstallation has also resolved an issue. Previously, my Raspberry Pi did not always boot successfully. In about 50% of chance, the screen was constantly showing a lot of lines of warnings. In this case, the Raspberry Pi just did not complete the boot and never ask to enter the login name. Now the Raspberry Pi can always boot successfully after the reinstallation.


我很久沒在玩樹莓派了,因為前陣子一直在忙著寫iOS Swift的App,結果今天把我在今年上半年買的Raspberry Pi 2 Model B拿出來,接上電源跟螢幕,就一整個悲劇!根本開不了機!


於是,我只好在開機時按住Shift鍵,進入recovery mode之後,選擇重新安裝Raspbian作業系統,並設定為美式鍵盤。最後,終於成功開機了!還好記憶卡還可以用,不用換!只是要辛苦一下花點功夫重新設定及安裝資料跟環境。



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