To setup a blog server on Raspberry Pi, WordPress is a good solution.
1. Install Apache, MySQL and PHP.
2. Install WordPress:
sudo apt-get install wordpress
3. Link the newly create folder "blog" on Apache server to the location of WordPress:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/wordpress /var/www/blog
go to /var/www/blog/ and check with the ls command.
Go back to /var/www/ and type ls -l.
It is shown that blog -> /usr/share/wordpress.
4. Go to MySQL monitor:
mysql -u root -p
Create a database called "wordpress" within MySQL monitor:
create database wordpress;
Check if the database is created successfully:
show databases;
Type quit to exit the MySQL monitor.
5. Copy and edit the php file below using these commands:
sudo cp /var/www/blog/wp-config-sample.php /etc/wordpress/config-default.php
sudo nano /etc/wordpress/config-default.php
6. Edit the database, username, and password as:
wordpress, root, and your_password
Use a browser of another PC to access:
the browser is redirected to
Follow the instructions to install WordPress.
Login to WordPress and add the first post.
Go back to the blog address:
I was just about to give up on my website for now and try something "simpler WordPress Tutorial " but you just saved the day!! 💜 Definitely subbed and can't wait to watch more!!