Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Python: Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) for speech processing using Scipy

The DCT and inverse DCT may be used to convert a speech signal into the transform domain using real values and back to the speech waveform.

Example using Python and Scipy:

import soundfile as sf

from scipy.fftpack import dct, idct

#DCT and IDCT functions have to be normalized.

def dct_norm (block):

    return dct(block.T, norm = 'ortho').T

def idct_norm (block):

    return idct(block.T, norm = 'ortho').T


with open('1.wav', 'rb') as f_wav:

    x, rate =

X = dct_norm(x)

y = idct_norm(X)

sf.write('2.wav', y, 16000)

Note that the DCT and IDCT functions have to be normalized to obtain identical results to MATLAB.


Matlab: Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) for speech processing (StudyEECC)


Discrete Cosine Transforms (Scipy Tutorial)

In scipy why doesn't idct(dct(a)) equal to a? (StackOverflow)

Python - How to use Soundfile to read and write WAV and FLAC files (Study Raspberry Pi)

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